Pillbox Patti Drops New Song “Low Life” That Hits You Right in the Small-Town Feels

Singer-songwriter Pillbox Patti just dropped a captivating new song that transports listeners to her small-town Starke, Florida roots. Through her heartfelt storytelling, she paints a vivid picture of her first love and the challenges they faced in a small town, battling with drugs and getting into trouble with the law. It is an accurate portrayal of the cycle of life in small communities that many can relate to. The song captures the essence of growing up in a small town, where dreams can be easily shattered by the limited opportunities and temptations that surround young people.

Brice Brothers Unite for a Remarkable Musical Collaboration

Familiar with chart-toppers like “I Drive Your Truck” and “Love Like Crazy,” Lee Brice needs no introduction, but did you know his brother is also a country recording artist? After garnering 50 million streams, joining the ranks of the country music scene is none other than his own brother, Lewis Brice. In an extraordinary musical alliance, the Brice siblings join forces for a remarkable collaboration on Lewis Brice’s highly anticipated debut full-length album, “Product Of.”
